Build and Debug Android CTS
In this code lab, you will learn how to build & debug CTS. But, why do we care?
tl;dr Android Open-Source Project (AOSP) empowers anyone to build their flavors of Android devices without asking for permission. However, this can be problematic. Device developers might make mistakes in the device implementations. Consequently, 3rd Android party apps problem may only be discovered lather when users using them. Therefore, Android Compatibility Test Suite, CTS is used to help device developers to validate if a device can run Android apps properly.
1. Build & Run CTS
1a. Build
To CTS under the Android source directory, e.g.:
cd /ws/android && . build/ && lunch sdk_phone_x86_64-userdebug
make cts -j8
- Workaround a build error in the assist test module by removing it from CTS.
Edit it by
code /ws/android/cts/tests/tests/assist/Android.bp
test_suites: [
- "cts",
+ //"cts",
1b. Run
To run a CTS test module: SignatureTest#testSignature
cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsCurrentApiSignatureTestCases -t android.signature.cts.api.SignatureTest#testSignature
1c. Check the report & log
1d. To learn more
2. Debug a CTS test case with Android Studio
There are more than a million test cases in CTS. And debugging them can be very difficult & time-consuming even for seasonal engineers. Android Studio has a user-friendly GUI to make it easier for app developers. As most CTS test modules are just a special kind of “app/APK”, you can use Android Studio to increase your productivity on debugging or even rationalizing the code in concern.
2a. Typical debug workflow
A typically debug cycle is hypothesizing, adding logs, building, testing & repeat. When you suspect or need to know more about a piece of code, you can follow these steps to inspect the execution step by step. For example for testSignature:
2a1. Create a project
2a2. Set breakpoints
2a3. Run the test for debugging
2a4. Step through & inspect
2b. A Special Case Study
This is a real case from an device maker could not figuer out why CTS failed to collect device information on their AVD. Even though the physical device does not have the problem. These are the steps to pin pointed the problem.
2b1. The problem
CTS uses CtsDeviceInfo.apk to collect various device info before running any test. Even CtsDeviceInfo is not an regular test module, it’s important because it collect key device information,such as Media features & capabilities of the device under test in the test report. On the offending device:
- CTS fails on Instrumentation run failed due to ‘Process crashed’ for MediaDeviceInfo.
- MediaDeviceInfo.deviceinfo.json is empty & other important device information is not collected.
2b2. Debug the app
In order to debug CtsDeviceInfo.apk, you needs to be able to build or aquire debugable apk. This is a security feature built in Android. If an app is not debuggable, Android Studio will show the error: This device cannot be debugged using the native debugger.
- To build a debugable CtsDeviceInfo.apk, make tool to generate the debuggable apk manifist file. Edit it by
code /ws/android/test/suite_harness/common/host-side/manifest-generator/src/com/android/compatibility/common/generator/
serializer.startTag(ns, APPLICATION);
+ serializer.attribute(ns, "android:debuggable", "true");
for (String library : libraries) {
- Learn more at [Android Manifest Application Element](
- Note CtsDeviceInfo.apk uses this tool to generate AndroidManifest.xml at the build time.
Build CTS as usual
- Open the APK in Android Studio
- Android Studio -> Profile or Debug APK -> /ws/android/out/host/linux-x86/cts/android-cts/testcases/CtsDeviceInfo.apk
Start an AVD as a device under test
- Install the APK manually
adb install -g /ws/android/out/host/linux-x86/cts/android-cts/testcases/CtsDeviceInfo.apk
- Start the app to wait for debugger
adb shell am instrument -e debug true -w -r --no-isolated-storage -e newRunListenerMode true -e timeout_msec 300000
- Set a break point
- Open MediaDeviceInfo under: 1. Project -> CtsDeviceInfo ->
- Attach Kotlin/Java Sources… -> /ws/android/cts/common/device-side/device-info/src/com/android/compatibility/common/deviceinfo/
- Click the line 44 to set a break point
- Learn more from Attach Kotlin/Java sources
- Attach to the process
- Android Studio -> Run -> Attach Debugger to Android Process… -> -> OK
- Run & insepct
- Try & learn more in Work with breakpoints.
3. Extra Credits